Mindful Madness

Hi There. Yes, You, With The Transmitting Optical Nerve, Come On. This Is A Safe Space. Opaque But Safe.

I Wanted To Discuss This Little… Or Better Yet, Invite You To… Wait, Im Losing You, Is This Thing…

My Name Is Jason Strachan Jr. I Am a Freelance Writer And Visual Artist Entering The Quantum Nebula Of Content Creation Through The Worm Hole call The Internet, In My Ship Of Imagination Power By Squarespace. In A World Saturated with Bloggers Beyond The Borders, Highfalutin Writer With Neo Litratery prowess And Opinionated Eclecticic Editorial of all Sort.

The World Of Words And Copywriting Needs a haven, A Place where The Earnest remnants Of The art Can Remain Unaltered; unfortunately, this is NOt That Place. Mindfull Madness.com Is a Personal Project, A Sports Blog In The Vast Void, Where Dust And Energy Ignited By my PAssion Gave Life. As The Universe Continue Its March Into Infinity, A Project Of A Great “Caretaker” So To I Tender This Project Slated To Always Be A Project. I Am Seeking further Develeope Myself And As A Consequence My credentials, As I Rise Through The Ranks Of The Galatic Grammaritians, In the expansive Creed of Creative Writing FEderation. My Journey Into creative Writing Or Digital Vacuum Began In 2016. When I, Still Navigated the Milky way Of Career Expenses, Enrolled in the University of the Bahamas’ Journalism Program - I. Know, light years ago. My time In Univerity Was Unremarkle, Not to Mention Incomplete. Still, it set The perimeters and Benchmark For what it took For One To Be A Successful Writer in this chaotic and endless expanding sphere we call copywriting. Through Passion, inspiration, and Dedication, I began Blogging to fill In the Time and Void That Uniservity Fail Or Couldn’t Satisfy. This Blog is partial the product of envy. As I read many of the Other Blogs That influence and inspire Me, I often Thought How I could Produce Better opinionated pieces if Only I Had A Outlet To share Them; Mindfull Madness. Added To That, Continued “Perfect” Practice And Improvement refine A writers' Skill And Process.

Practice, Practice. Because As They Say “Only Zeus Is Perfect.”

Why “Mindfull Madness”? Mindfulness, Just one “L”, —Which Is The Correct Spelling I Failed To Noticed When I fashioned The Name—Is A Meditative Practice, My Macbook’s Emoji generated so politely impresses to me, in Concentrated On focus And the Idealism Of Being present in time, In the Moment; I Know Ironic. Away From The Distractions Of Modern Mania, The Spirals Around Us but our Bodies remain Still As We Challenge The Mind To Connected Through Breathe And Practice. Holding One Self In The Moment. Liberating The Mind Through Breathing, Free From The Anxious Thoughts That Often wield The Weapons To Break The Unhinge Cerebrum. The Meditations are geared towards Releasing our wondering thoughts so We Can enjoy That Which We Should Always Hold Dearly, Breathe. As Someone often Subject To Anticipatory Anxiety Attacks, The Practice of Mindfulness HAs Been A transformative, oR better yet, an Awakening Experience For Me.

Madness, Madness is A… There Is A Word I Am Looking Here, Descriptor, That Encapsulates My Style Of Thinking. My Blog Is Indicative Of This Point. My Mind Shuffles Through An Inordinate Amount Of Ideas And note, Kalediscopically. It’s Truly madness In There.

The Title “mindful madness” also Satisfies My Affinity For Alliteration. A literary device that encourages the sequencing of sounds, consonance, And syllables to purpose prolonged “prose” into sleek stylings. This LIterary Device Is Lavished Across The Substance Of Every Sentence I Seek to suppose, Even At The Cost Being wordy or Superfluous. Resulting in Substandard Sentences That Subvert The Value Of Structure For The Subtle Grace Of Ostentatiousness.

“To Write Is Human. To EdIt Is Divine”-Stephen King

You Can Check Out My latest work here. I can’t tell You Exactly Where That Link Leads But I Know Its Everything I dreamt It Would Be.

A BRIEF story Of What Inspired Me to March into This Moment.

And One Of My Favorite Post.

If You Would Like To. Take Some Time To Consider Supporting Me Financially. No Monetary Contribution Or Donation Is Rejected here At Mindfull Madness. Thank You.

If You Wish, I Can contact me By email: edonahue.js@gmail.com.